
Paul Immigrations Reviews: How to be a permanent resident in Singapore

By Special Feature 12 May, 2020
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Maximise your chances of a successful application with Paul Immigrations

The process of applying for Permanent Residence (PR) in Singapore is both an art and a science. Anyone who has submitted an unsuccessful application will likely nod in agreement – the reasons for rejection are never given, and for someone who does not know the ins and outs of the system, the whole experience may seem rather arbitrary and will certainly frustrate to no end.

However, this ambiguity is a necessary evil as the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) wants to prevent savvy applicants from ‘gaming’ the system and taking advantage of the many benefits that come with PR status, without contributing meaningfully to the country. The downside, of course, is that the system may filter out earnest candidates who will be great assets to the country, but who may not be the best at presenting a good case for themselves.

Fortunately, seasoned professionals can help us overcome these potential barriers. Paul Immigrations isn’t in the business of miracles, but they are in the canny business of maximising your chances of success. With a track record of over 15,000 satisfied clients over four years, their results speak for themselves.

For those who are diligent by nature, the idea of having to hire someone to fill up a series of forms seems laughable. But while the process of applying for PR status may not seem like rocket science, it does demand the same level of conscientiousness. Aerospace engineers will undoubtedly disagree, but you get the picture: when dealing with a process where every little edge goes a long way, you will do well to ensure that you leave no stone unturned.

paul immigrations
The process of applying for permanent residence in Singapore is both an art and a science

Paul Immigrations Reviews: Why you should get it right the first time

There are many compelling reasons to approach this with prudence, especially if you are a first-time applicant. Countless banana skins await; the most daunting of which is having to navigate through a comprehensive application process while also trying to understand the complex workings of the online application system. While your patience in dealing with tedium may border on the infinite, your time is unquestionably limited. If, due to some unforeseen circumstances, you discover midway that you do not fulfil all the criteria required by the ICA, you may not have enough time to set it right before submission.

That leads to the crucial reason why you would want to get it right the first time: the average application takes four to six months to process and you have to wait another six months should you fail and wish to submit another attempt. That cycle becomes even longer if you learn that you need to make changes to your lifestyle to improve your chances. Therefore, you must identify all potential roadblocks on paper as early as possible. Unsuccessful applicants can surely attest to this; some have found out the hard way what not to do, while some are still unaware of why they failed despite thinking that they have adhered perfectly to submission guidelines.

But there is no need to second-guess yourself. With the help of experts, you immediately get a clear idea of what needs to be done from the outset. With their thorough understanding of Singapore’s policies, they will ensure that you check off all the necessary paperwork in the most efficient manner possible. Shrewd applicants will instantly recognise the benefits of professional expertise: insight into the selection process and an eye for detail that comes with facilitating many successful submissions.

Paul Immigrations Reviews: The art and science of a successful application

The science of it – or rather, the process – is personalised and systematic. After initial rounds of comprehensive eligibility assessments, their experts will give a frank assessment of the potential client’s likelihood of PR approval. If they have any reason to believe that the candidate is ineligible, they will not take up the case, and instead, advise how to build a strong candidate profile for future attempts.

Should the client meet all the requirements and decide to proceed, the specialists will provide step-by-step guidance to the applicant throughout the process. They will also handle the paperwork and advise clients on the essential documents needed for submission. There is nothing more frustrating than having an application rejected because of an innocuous administrative error, so why not leave the job to professionals who can anticipate potential problems and tie up all loose ends?

But the true value-add is that the specialists will advise clients on the possible submission of supplementary documents to help strengthen their case wherever appropriate. This is something one can only know through extensive experience and a thorough understanding of how the system works.

paul immigrations
Experts will go the extra mile to ensure that clients stand out from the pack

Ultimately, what makes a successful submission comes down to what the candidate can offer to the nation and the reality is that it is often decided on fine margins. This is where successfully navigating the process becomes somewhat of an art form. Every candidate is unique, so every case demands a different approach. While ICA will do their due diligence in doing background checks and sizing up applications, they do have to sieve through thousands of requests. This makes it all the more important that a submission has to make an impeccable first impression and seal the deal with a compelling case – the goal is to make it difficult for them to reject the applicant.

To this end, their experts will go the extra mile to ensure that their clients can stand out from the pack. They will meet with clients in person, understand their position better, and then strategise the ideal approach for their profile. To put forward a compelling case, a professional team of writers will craft a personalised cover letter to highlight the applicants’ strengths and what they can offer to Singapore.

While it is true that there are no guarantees in life, we can always ensure that we have done everything humanly possible. When it comes to your PR application, consider that by enlisting their professional expertise, you are maximising your chances for success.

Paul Immigrations
9 Temasek Boulevard
13-01 / 02 / 03 Suntec Tower Two
Singapore 038989
Tel: +65 6206 6390

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