
Katherine Ng, head of marketing and operations at TZ APAC, on encouraging inclusivity, NFT adoption and mental health support

By Hannah Choo 21 September, 2021
Katherine ng TZ APAC

Breaking glass and NFT myths

It’s a crazy world out there and that includes technology. For what has promised to change the world for the better has also been coded with an imbalance of male power and privilege. There’s hope yet that this systemic inequality is just a bug in the system, waiting to be exterminated. Enter Katherine Ng, who’s working hard to untangle this ill-mannered business. As head of marketing and operations at TZ APAC, Asia’s leading blockchain entity for the Tezos ecosystem, she is helping to shape the future of society with automation technology, and at the same time, destigmatise mental healthcare, yet another psychological hazard of the workplace.

Editor’s note: More Mind Your Business stories here.

Hi Katherine, why do you love working for TZ APAC?

The beauty about TZ APAC is its working culture. We’re a small but hungry team dedicated to advancing to the Tezos ecosystem in Asia. There’s no hierarchy, meaning everyone’s contributions are considered valuable and respected and that’s led to so many creative ideas. 

The glass ceiling in an industry is a stubborn one. What are you doing to break this ceiling?

In the blockchain industry, we need to foster a culture that’s more inclusive and less competitive between women. We should also encourage male counterparts to get involved in conversations about unconscious biases and how they can be better allies.

Why do you think gender equality is lacking in most places? And not to gaslight us women, is there anything that women can learn from men?

Men seem more confident in their ability to feel half-prepared and figure the rest out along the way. Women need to be better at taking charge before knowing all the answers. We also need to say ‘sorry’ less in the workplace.

Now that the initial hype is over, what do you think is the future of NFTs?

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are still in their infancy, but now we’re seeing a refinement of what that value looks like. They have so much creative and corporate potential.

What do you have to say to the skeptics to think NFTs are just another fad?

The value of NFTs isn’t driven by the amount of money people are willing to spend. NFTs are an incredible empowerment tool for creatives who have been traditionally portrayed as ‘struggling artists’. Independent artists and musicians are taking greater ownership over their work and building fan bases that transcend borders.

Given the stigma, mental health isn’t always easy to talk about. How do you intend to change the norm and provide a safe space for people?

There’s a ‘hustle culture’ that a lot of us feel the pressure to ascribe to. We need to create a work environment that encourages people to speak up about how they feel and more importantly, take a break when they need one. It comes down to having honest conversations about mental health between management and employees in a supportive, non-judgemental way.

This is why I am passionate about destigmatising mental healthcare so as to enable more people to come forward to seek help. In fact, I’m studying to become a qualified mental health professional at The School of Positive Psychology.

What is your life mantra?

Where there is love, there is life.


This story first appeared in the September 2021 issue. Purchase it as a hard or digital copy, or consider subscribing to us here