
Serene Chua, executive director of a private bank and co-founder of Wolf Burgers and Carvers & Co

By Adibah Isa 23 June, 2019
Serene Chua

Serene Chua’s in the business of preserving legacies and passing them on to future generations. Yes, she’s a private banker, one of the youngest to join the industry when she first started 14 years ago. Building her business from scratch with no experience or industry knowledge, the former television host took a risk that definitely paid off.

A day in her life sees her pitching for business, acquiring new clients, managing investment portfolios and meeting investment objectives — all the while dealing with market volatility and uncertainty.

While the norm for private bankers was to only have individual clients, Chua has built and developed an institutional base for the business. She brings this dedication to her work as an F&B entrepreneur as well, co-founding Carvers & Co four years ago, while Wolf Burgers was born three years back. With the latter now in Singapore and Japan, Chua has her sights set on Australia and New Zealand.

“One feeds my structured and rational thinking, and the other feeds my creativity,” she surmises.

Despite her hectic schedule, Chua manages to find pockets of time to get away. Apart from shopping in the world’s fashion capitals, she also enjoys kicking off her heels and digging into warm, white sand at the beach.

Serene Chua