
Explore China with The House Collective: Discover the Forbidden City, Summer Palace and Chengdu’s prized pandas

By Robb Report Singapore 1 December, 2019

In this year’s Ultimate Gift Guide 2019 edition, we have curated unique gifting ideas exclusively for our Robb Report readers. Itching for a holiday? The House Collective invites you on a week-long trip to Shanghai, Beijing and beyond

Take a tour around Hong KongShanghaiBeijing and Chengdu with The House Collective’s round-the-‘world’ experience. For those starting their journey in Singapore, The Upper House in Hong Kong may be the preferred first port of call, where The Upper Suite will be your home for two nights.

At The Middle House Shanghai, you’ll be staying in Studio 70. Take the time to explore the hotel’s wellness area which sprawls across 2,600 square metres. Continue your journey north and you’ll end up at The opposite House Beijing, where you’ll check in to Suite 95.

Designed by Japanese architect Kengo Kuma, this property offers peace within the bustling city madness. Sign up for the Beijing Street Snacks Tour or explore the Forbidden City, Summer Palace or 798 Art District before heading back to enjoy an in-room spa treatment and dinner at Jin Yaa Tang.

The last leg of the trip takes you to The Temple House Chengdu. Check into the Temple Suite, then head out for the Panda Keeper programme, where you’ll learn about the gentle animals. If you’d rather stay in, kung fu and mahjong classes are available. On the last day, enjoy a spa session and an intimate dinner at Tivano.