
Where to find quality booze in Singapore: Wine & Whisky stocks rare bottles such as Vega Sicilia and Henri Jayer

By Hannah Choo 20 February, 2020
wine and whisky

Wine & Whisky, a master purveyor of rare and fine booze, recently introduced Vega Sicilia and Henri Jayer wines to its shelves. You gotta collect ’em all

So you need a rich person’s hobby. Your best buddy collects watches, your dad collects cars, and you? You’re probably feeling a little left out, and that’s okay. Cars and watches are great, but if you want to start with something that warms the belly and soul, we suggest something that would look great on the bar cart. Something tasty and… rare.

Head to Wine & Whisky, a master purveyor of rare and fine booze. They have been hard at work since 2014, building relationships with boutique winemakers from France, Spain and Italy, and establishing solid ties with suppliers of rare Scotch and Japanese whiskies. Fuelled by their love for the drink, they take great pride in keeping their inventory in constant good shape, and with only the most unique and coveted labels of the world.

Some of the finest and most valued red wines on the market are by Vega Sicilia, a Spanish winery founded in 1859 and built on the idea that Bordeaux varieties – Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Malbec, for example – can flourish in Ribera del Duero soils alongside the local Tempranillo.

True enough, it became a big hit in the 20th century, and continues in tradition through the estate’s three legendary bottling – the Unico, Unico Reserva Especial and Valbeuna. It was recently introduced by Daisuke Kawai (sommelier, educator and co-founder of La Terre) to Wine & Whisky, which now carries one of the largest verticals of Vega Sicilia vintages, and the selection includes a 1917 (read: it was this vintage that scored at the 1927 World’s Fair in Barcelona), 1920, 1994 and 1996.

Another recent addition would be Henri Jayer, a French wine label credited with introducing forward-thinking innovations to Burgundian winemaking. Think the skipping of filtration and destemming of the harvest before the maceration process. The wines, found in the same league as Domaine Romanée-Conti, are coveted by many and tasted by few, and you, my friend, can count your lucky stars. There are several Henry Jayer bottles at Wine & Whisky, including a 2001 Crous Parantoux, Vosne-Romanée 1er Cru, the last vintage before the late Henri Jayer officially retired.

Wine & Whisky
100 Pasir Panjang
Singapore 118518
Tel: +65 8685 7768
Email: info@wine-whisky.com

La Terre
11 Upper Circular Road
Singapore 058409
Tel: +65 6532 1031

Note: By appointment and reservation only.