the unique double chair is designed by Hong kong Architect Andre Fu
Rarely would you describe a piece of furniture as sensual. Yet, there is no better adjective than that to describe the latest addition to French luxury house Louis Vuitton’s Objet Nomades collection. Dedicated to Louis Vuitton’s long and grand tradition of beautifully-crafted travel objects since 2012, the Ribbon Dance double chair by wunderkind Andre Fu joins the ranks of Patricia Urquiola’s Swing Chair and Marcel Wander’s Lounge Chair.

Unveiled in Fu’s native Hong Kong, Ribbon Dance is his attempt at provoking conversation. Not just about the piece – two cushioned seats connected by a sweeping and sensual Mobius strip of an arch – but also between its occupants.
Realising that people – even those that live in the same house – spend less time chatting face-to-face, the Ribbon Dance seats occupants facing each other. “It helps to form a space of close contact with each other,” says Fu. The piece was the highlight of the recent Louis Vuitton Objet Nomades exhibition at the Pedder Building in Central, Hong Kong – curated by Fu himself to be a question, and an answer, to proximity through design in the modern age.