
Floating vacation homes: Loungeboat, a two-storey apartment on water, allows you to live just about anywhere in the world

By Allisa Noraini 20 June, 2020

Fancy a floating vacation home? Problem solved on the loungeboat, a contemporary floating retreat by Tanja Wunderlick-Finckh and Chris Finckh

Phase Two of the reopening of the country’s economy kicked in today – terrific news for those who have looked forward to experiencing some semblance of normalcy since the onslaught of COVID-19. But elsewhere in the world, two creative juggernauts have eased themselves into the idea of living lavishly in isolation – specifically on a stylish, one-of-a-kind houseboat.

Tanja Wunderlich-Finckh and Chris Finckh are the German architect couple behind loungeboat, a contemporary floating retreat that comes in two sizes, 44 sqm and 55 sqm. Born out of the duo’s love of water, the houseboat bears a sleek, minimal aesthetic, infused with all the practicalities one would expect of a floating home. While much of the exterior is clad in an opaque outer shell, full glass panels at the front room offer 180-degree views of the surrounding landscape.

When size comes to play, loungeboat doesn’t get bragging rights, but there’s good reason why the Finckhs are calling this their second home. The 44-sqm version sleeps four comfortably, while its larger-sized sibling sleeps up to six. Making up its interiors are a living room, kitchen, bathroom and bedroom – all of which are separated from one another by four doors. The living room is suffused with natural light during the day, but simply have the curtains drawn if you’re not up for some sun.

Additionally, there are two decks at the front and back of the boat, although the foredeck doubles as a porch of sorts that’s kitted out with lounge chairs. As evening falls, make your way up to the roof, and while away the remaining hours of the day on an expansive terrace furnished with plenty of cushioned seats.

Loungeboat was originally designed just to feed the couple’s desire for living on the water, but count your lucky stars – they have since been inspired to become a small boat manufacturer. After all, the best things in life are meant to be shared, and it can be easily agreed upon that loungeboat is nothing short of a perfect respite away from the doldrums that the world is going through right now.
