Raise a toast to the excellence of the man who gave you life
Nothing has changed. Dads are still incredibly difficult to shop and buy for. But Father’s Day is imminent and, it’s always good to transcend the cop-out that it’s the thought that counts. (Also, let’s face it: dads are smarter and deserve better than that.)

If you’re at your wit’s end as to what to gift the man who brought you into the world, know that The Macallan has got you covered. You know its taste; the way its incomparable payload lands exquisitely on the palette. You’ve carried the glory of Speyside in your glass and savoured its excellent entry into your consciousness. Now, it’s time to share that pleasure with your father. Just as no two dads are alike, so are no two expressions of The Macallan. The craft and care you enjoy in your glass is a beyond-apt metaphor for the craft and care with which each man rises to the mantle of fatherhood and lives out that responsibility for the rest of their lives. The math is simple: Fathers deserve the best.
Do right by them this Father’s Day and bestow upon them a bottle (or several) of the best stuff. In honour of this poignant occasion, The Macallan Boutique at Raffles Arcade will provide complimentary bottle engraving with every bottle priced at a minimum of SG$200, from now till 18 June. This service is available on a first-come, first-served basis, so act soon.