
Samsung’s The Wall: This 146-inch (and counting) modular display is larger than life, and is your window to the great outdoors

By Special Feature 4 May, 2020

Men, we’ll save you the hassle of convincing your other half as to why you have your eye on The Wall. Just show them this article

In between writing this article, re-watching promotional videos and researching, I’ve been inspecting my home with an industrial measuring tape in hand. Does my home have enough space for Samsung’s newest innovation, The Wall, in case I actually put my money where my mouth is?

Given that I’ve taken a personal interest in The Wall and have enlisted the help of family members to hold the tape in place, I’m glad to come back with an affirmative. Yes, it is possible to install it. Then come the important questions: how many Walls can I place at home if the sky’s the limit? Seven – two in the living room, one in the dining room, two at the staircase and the remaining in two bedrooms. How many could I realistically install, without it being overkill? Two. And how many I can afford? I’ll leave that to your imagination.

I have said it before, and I will say it again: If we’re going to be ‘stuck’ at home for foreseeable future (#circuitbreaker), the least we can do is to ensure that it is so hospitable that staying home becomes a choice, not a chore.

And that means making drastic changes to your current living space.

This brings us to Samsung’s ground-breaking screen, The Wall. If there is one product that will make the current socially distancing situation slightly more bearable, it would likely be The Wall. Because apart from the #StayHome and #StaySafe commandments, we also need to #StaySane. Mental health is just as important.

Samsung The Wall
While The Wall is available in 146-, 219- and 292-options, you’re able to customise it to any size, format or shape you’d like

But before I make my argument on why I deem it a necessary product, here are The Wall’s numbers in all its glory.

At its smallest, The Wall stands at 146 inches (that’s a dimension of 3.2m x 1.8m). Those with vertical real estate to spare can go straight for the 219” and 292” versions.  Given that The Wall is modular, its size is, in theory, limitless. What this means is that it’s able to go even larger, or adopt a different screen ratio. Regardless of the size you go with ­– the screens display 4K, 6K and 8K resolution respectively – you’ll be presented with visuals drenched in deep blacks, rich hues and high contrasts. But that’s just the beginning. Its anti-glare surface means you won’t be staring at your own shadow at any point in time, regardless of where you are in the room – a drawback that many display screens and smart televisions are prone to.

Given its size, you would be forgiven for thinking that it will encroach on your space. But this couldn’t be further from the truth. The Wall is less than 30mm thick, which for comparison purposes, is thinner than two stacked laptops.

Samsung The Wall
Artwork, television, or decorative masterpiece; The Wall is all three, and more

Then comes its ultimate flex, aptly named Quantum Processor Flex. Low-resolution content will automatically be upscaled and optimised for The Wall. But you won’t find conventional upscaling here. For those not in the know, conventional upscaling simply multiplies a HD pixel 16 times to achieve an 8K resolution, causing noise and unnatural gradients in the process. It essentially means you’ll view the same resolution, on a larger screen format.

What Samsung has done is create an AI technology that’s filled with a library of objects, colours and shapes. Not only will The Wall recognise images immediately, it also knows how specific images are meant to look. Take for example a faded image of an apple. Samsung’s AI technology not only has the ability to sharpen the image, it’ll also ensure that each pixel is filled with the right shade of red.

Samsung The Wall
Say goodbye to conventional upscaling, and hello to AI upscaling instead

Now, add that to a list of other intelligent features such as edge restoration and noise reduction, and you’ll be presented with a true-to-life image, which means you may actually enjoy viewing a cherished photograph or artwork more on The Wall than in person.

Now, to make my case.

For argument’s sake, let’s say you place The Wall in your living room. No longer will there be a need for patterned wallpaper, textured walls, artwork or sculptures to liven it up. The Wall does it for you. With its ever-changing scheme of backgrounds, it is as versatile as you would like it to be. Feeling pensive? Put on some multi-coloured artwork. Haven’t seen the sun for days? Try the landscape of a rising sun. Give it time, and your brain will be conditioned to think that the two-dimensional image on screen could perhaps be three-dimensional.

The Wall also caters to the fickle. Oh yes it does. And this time, nobody will take offence. No longer is there a need to arrange for movers to retrieve artwork from The Freeport every time you feel like breathing new life into the room. There will also be no more second guessing which piece from your extensive collection would go better with the current décor. Flick the remote or tablet, go back and forth as often as you wish, and voila.

Samsung The Wall
Nevermind the Circuit Breaker, The Wall brings the outdoors into your home

For the space-starved – ironically, if you are purchasing The Wall, space should be the least of your constraints – you will be glad to know that you do not have to settle on one image to display. The Wall provides customisable templates, allowing you to mix and match the sizes, positions and number of frames you’d like. Each family member can create their ‘perfect wall’ and select it when they are in the room. Think about the number of unnecessary household squabbles that The Wall would solve.

The entertainment room is also another ideal location for The Wall, considering that it is equal parts ideal for action movies, as it is a complementary addition to the Playseat Pro F1 Aston Martin Red Bull Racing.

But do not just think about using it as in its landscape format. Think about how it will transform your vertical spaces, such as double-height lobbies, staircases, or even ceilings. Sleeping under a star-lit sky – or better yet – dozing off to views of the aurora borealis is now possible at your convenience.

Now on to potential concerns, where some may comment that the price tag of S$500,000 for the 146” version may not be justifiable for what many know as a household brand. But hear me out.

If there is one industry that technology-driven brands can penetrate with confidence, it will be the luxury sphere. First, they already have the know-how, having spent decades researching and perfecting their products to not just last, but to adapt to ever-changing environments. To put it simply, scalability is key, and these brands have the resources and ingenuity to offer consumers what they didn’t know they needed – and isn’t that what luxury is truly about? Think about Nespresso, Lexus and Mercedes-Benz, all of which started from humble beginnings.

The Wall officially marks Samsung’s foray into the luxury sphere. And the message is loud and clear: the Korean tech giant has perfected its technology, and is ready to deliver a product that you have always dreamed of, but never knew you could actually own. Until today.

Samsung The Wall
Think it’s just a screen? Think again

For those who may think of The Wall as just a big screen, I believe you will agree when I say that Mona Lisa is not just a painting; a Rolls-Royce Phantom is not just a car, and the Taj Mahal is definitely not just a home.

Get the picture?

Now if you excuse me, I will be waiting for a “surprise” call from Samsung telling me that they will replace my 50” Smart TV (coincidentally a Samsung, so there will not be a steep learning curve) with The Wall. Just the humble 146” version will do, and I will put it in my living room, thanks.

Samsung The Wall is available now to order in-store from AV Intelligence. Book yourself a private viewing today.