
COVID-19: Five ways we can help India breathe better

By Allyson Tutay 21 May, 2021
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COVID-19 has brought about a slate of xenophobia – but where has hate ever gotten us? Here’s how we can help India

With the new slate of restrictions under Phase 2 (Heightened Alert), it’s easy to think only of yourself and the little bubble of Singapore. But this raging pandemic that we are all living in is reality for the entire world, and not all societies are coping the same.

Particularly devastated is India where death is the only constant. Hospitals have reached over-capacity. People die as they wait for doctors. Oxygen runs out and is sold on the black market. The virus continues to blaze throughout the country indiscriminately. The cost of cremation has spiked and bodies float along the Ganges River. Even in death, the pandemic claims its victims.

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India is experiencing upward of 350,000 cases a day

Today, the country is reporting over 350,000 new cases every day. Estimates show that one in three have the virus, and experts say that this is a severely underreported number. Though reasons for this is manifold, it is largely due to the mishandling by Modi’s government. Specifically, the premature declaration of defeating Covid and the resuming of large-scale activities. As healthcare systems collapse and the most basic necessities (like oxygen, for example) fail to reach hospitals and whole villages, the death count continues to rise.

In suffering and uncertainty, it’s often easy to think it’s just us. But it never is. For those who have a little more to spare, here are some ways to help India.

Help India Breathe

Based in the UK, funds will be going to medical necessities in shortage in India, including oxygen concentrators, CPAP machines and other diagnostic tools. Donate here.

Feeding India by Zomato

The not-for-profit is collaborating with logistics company Delhivery to start the India Needs Oxygen campaign, in the hopes of narrowing the oxygen shortage. Oxygen concentrators and related supplies will be going to hospitals in India. Donate here.

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Donate to help frontliners


An international organisation, Unicef is bringing supplies to frontliners, such as PPE kits and personal care products. It’s also assisting in trying to give some semblance of normalcy to other residents, such as in helping children learn from home. Donate here.


Vibha is targeted to helping children in India. As a donor, you can allocate your donations toward food and hygiene kits for families, or to oxygen concentrators. Donate here.

Care India

The experienced NGO has been providing support to India for decades. Donate to their efforts to provide PPE kits, oxygen cylinders and medicine. They are also building temporary Covid hospitals and care centres. Donate here.